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Sandmeier geophyscial research privacy policy

Disclaimer: The content of third-party pages which are referenced by Sandmeier geophysical research through  links serves only for the  purposes of information and the presentation of contextual information.  We do not accept any responsibility for these third-party links. The responsibility for such content lies solely with the provider of the content.
We are a small geophysical company focused on developing software algorithms for seismic and GPR processing and interpretation for near-surface applications.

Our goal is to provide a user-friendly and cost-effective application. Therefore, we also offer extensive free help in using our software.

In addition, we are committed to the sustainable use of resources and support both social and environmental projects, including the German Volleyball Bundesliga team, the Baden Volleys or Greenpeace and local conservation organizations.

How to reach us:

Dr. Karl-Josef Sandmeier
Zipser Strasse 1
76227 Karlsruhe
Tel. (49)-721-491206

e-mail: info[at]sandmeier-geo.de
e-mail2: kj.sandmeier[at]gmail.com
web: www.sandmeier-geo.de

©Sandmeier geophysical research 2022
| Tel. ++49-721-491206 | e-mail: info@sandmeier-geo.de
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